plugs: Fergie ; Fergalicious #
ohgay, anyway, th trip t M'sia was absolutely terrible! Th food sucked, th facilities were run down, nd my sketch of alba turned out uglyyyy! :(((( k luh, th drinking water was pretty damn lousy too. Simply put, inconsumable.
Nd farewell was fun but I did think it was rather pathetic, w only 3 sec4s sleeping over -;- But that wasn't th worst part! After that, we only had 4 pathetic sec4s t play testimonial match! >:( Like whut's wrong w th rest of you guys man! Just make it down for our last game tgt luh! Ugh.
Ms-fuckface-Ferng made matters worse by making me stop midway in a game t go do some dumb seating arrangement, nd wasted like 15 minutes of my time. Talking a lot of non-sense nd scolding me about smtg I had no clue on whatsoever! Bleh, I was so pisst w her I like sorta raised my voice? or smtg, I don't respect her anyway, doesn't matter.
Nyeh whatever, she didn't have much t say t me after that I mean cos everything she said didn't even enter my ears. There were some forces which repelled her screechy, unbearable crow-like voice. No wait, scratch that, I don't even know how t describe the noise that leaves what she deems t be her mouth.
She's a pale, moon-faced asshead. A bloody coxcomb. Nd she's oh-so N-A-T-U-R-A-L. I wonder if she even knows whut that word means? Nd did I say no pun intended? (over my fucking corpse) She speaks 2 words at a time, nd painfully slowly. By breaking up her sentences, she doesn't get her msg across clearly. It's NO wonder I didn't really comprehend whut it was that she wanted me t do. AND SHE BLAMES ME. -;-
Okay, I'm done bitching, I got a damned headache, nd I am going t sleep. I hate fevers. Esp this one. I'm deaf in my left ear, nd I can't sweat it out! >:(
Darmritpad ; Ashh
plugs: Dolla ; Feelin' Myself #
Dope boy stamina
HAHAHA. ohgay whatever I'm just easily amused. -.-
Yeay Sentosa was fun w the Soph, Jon, Dez, Bre, Han, Ade, and Ter :D Wheeeee. Now so black. -;- Haha. Oh well, Os are overrrr and I'm so bored. Imma make myself happy go draw Alba, hehe :DD BYEEEEE
*P.s eh Ter I want the photos of the trannies and all of us man!
Darmritpad ; Ashh
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