plugs: My Chemical Romance ; This Is How I Disappear #
Tell me if it's so,
That all the good girls go to heaven.
Well, heaven knows
And without you, is how I disappear,
And live my life alone, forever now.
Can you hear me cry out to you?
Words I thought I'd choke on figure out.
I'm really not so with you anymore.
I'm just a ghost
So I can't hurt you anymore,
So I can't hurt you anymore.
A single word, "bye", is used so often and so carelessly, it doesn't hold much meaning now. It's sort of ironic in fact, that we say "bye" happily, when to me, it seems to invoke this sense of foreboding. A feeling that something horrid is going to happen.
I hate that word.
I think it's so awful and embarassing for people to lean against the glass panels in the mrts. have you ever noticed how people put their entire weight on the glass? Sometimes, they're so fat, the glass creaks a little, and that scares the shit outta me. More importantly, the way their asses are squahed against the glass, on which I would like to emphasise, is transparent, you know, like, see through? It definitely leaves disturbing images in the heads of fellow passengers, especially the poor unsuspecting victims who're sitting at the corner seats.
By The Way, for people who think I'm a slacker and in total control of my life, please think again. I'm stressed like hell, I'm losing baby, losing myself, and most importantly, losing God. I know I sound like such a loser. But whatever trips your trigger, I suppose. I guess, it's the expression of calm and cool I usually have on my face, that causes others to have such perceptions of me. But really, deep down somewhere, I'm lost, okay? Perhaps reading this post will make someone out there appreciate their lives more, or at least feel the consolation of someone you despise being just like you. I don't think I'm superior to people, I just judge others to feel better about myself. Call me insecure, but sometimes I really don't give a shit about what people think of me, y'know? It's like, sometimes, I'm on top of the world, and next moment, I'm living in hell. Undercutting? definitely, loads of it. Contradictions? the more the merrier.
The world is black, and they're hearts are cold.
Darmritpad ; Ashh
plugs: My Chemical Romance ; Dead! #
Anyway, my main concern tdy is why are people so unoriginal all th time. this world has 2 kinds of people. Th creators, nd th followers. Creators are cool, nd followers?...downright pityful. eg. sophil nd i came up w this breasties shit by accident, nd then we used it. slowly, many people starts using it, but I'm pretty sure, we all know who th ORIGINAL breast&nips are, right? It's annoying, in some ways, nd flattering in others.
ah well. we're all human I guess. So, I suppose I shouldn't bother too much about this shit. :)
Yeay, I got MC for tdy, cos surprisingly I've a fever which I didn't realise I'd been having for th past 2-3 days alr. LOL! :P My MC says exempted from PE till Friday, does that include trng? ah shit my left calf is still aching, nevermind, baye'll make it all right :))))
homework undone: Lit nd Math. SHIT. I dono how t do Math nd there isn't a single relevant book for Lit at home! th internet's th best I can do for now, I guess :j
Darmritpad ; Ashh
plugs: My Chemical Romance ; Mama #
Okay anyway, I miss baye, cos like all th trng's are so tiring that I don't talk much t him on th phone, which is also because I reach home at like after 10? o.0 ah well. it's great that many of my MI friend have migrated w me t AC! :D so that I have at least a social life t speak of besides th netballers :)
ah shit. i'm sorry i can't give you more time baye, cos i'm alr maxing myeslf out. I'm certain you are too, esp when you wait for me t get home so you can call me :j thanks so much, k? I really appreciate it.
paddle pop hiphop jelly rockzz my sockzzz. :) I want chips now. I wna be sick tmr so that I don't have t go school.
Darmritpad ; Ashh
plugs: Akon ; I Wanna Love You #
God open th doors please. :l
Darmritpad ; Ashh
plugs: kanasai kanasai kanasai!
Darmritpad ; Ashh
plugs: Wang Lee Hong ; Kiss Goodbye #
i love baby i love baby i love baby i love baby i love baby i love baby i love baby! one for everyday of th week
okay anyway,I am a happy happy happy girl. I know happy's a highly overrated word. But I really am very happy! x) mostly cos I got t see jon almost everyday, nd i adore that boy more nd more each day. cos he's really damn small boy i like. ohmy i sound like a paedophile, even t myself o.0 nevermind. He's same age as me so I AM NOT! :D anyway, i like th way you're such a homey person. you'd rather spend time w me at my place just sitting nd talking nonsense playing dota, nd METALSLUG w me on your laptop. instead of going out. ohmy i love that game. it's so supermario, old school. :)) I wna play again! :D
k tdy went amknlb in th morning til 1130, then headed t bishan gym. :) there was this ginormous group of pierce boys there. nd there was one i stared at for a little too long. hey I mean it ain't my fault if i stare at you, cos you have a really weird hairstyle that I've t spend at least a minute figuring our your gender. I know it's so demoralising nd degrading. but i'm sorry, you're at fault, cos you got your hair done that way. ;)
after that went t th bishan nlb then waited for joe t reach th interchange for lunch. I ate chicken rice. :D (yes baye stop asking me t eat more it's alot!) nd then we walked around, having fun criticising th things in th shops :P nd then it was raining so heavily, we like just took refuge in th stupid library. nd found some relatively interesting magazines. where th girl's asses were th size of america, nd made of jelly. oh yeah, which reminds me that noone's answered my question on fat women's breasts. :( some people out there are seriously living in self-denial if they can't simply accept th fact that they are fat. >(
take for example, christie! :D She's fat but she prolly thinks she's thin as a rail. unfortunately, no, she isn't. she's about th size of a buffalo. nd I am afraid t stand next t her cos i keep thinking she's gna fall on me nd squash me flat. eew. No I would NEVER want t die such a horrible death. maybe if I got squashed by someone else like jonchan I wouldn't mind, but, seriously, Christie? Thanks, but no thanks. Btw, when is anyone ever gna tell her straight out, or at least hint t her, that her clothes are always mismatched? nd that she wears clothes that bring out th worst in her? nd he purple crocs? get real girl, ditch 'em. They are so not hot. Nd your frames? oh gimme a break, you seriously need an extreme makeover! Or maybe you should sign up for diva on a dime, perhaps they'd teach you t dress right. Perhaps maybe they'd be too confused themselves on wehere they should even start. HAH.
so, ANYWAY, while we sat in th library, joe made all his calls t gene nd th like. ohkay. then I just read my book nd stuff. nd he told me so much stuff about him I would never imagine. It's cool you'd tell me these things :) well yeay. I enjoyed my day, along w th daily gossip that goes w it. I'm sorry God, tho I'm afraid I'm never gna break that habit. Cos it's one I love a lot.
till whenever I next blog! :D
Darmritpad ; Ashh
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